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Course Catalogue

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Online Training Programs

CAIB 1: The Fundamentals of Insurance


This course is for newbies to the insurance industry looking to challenge the CAIB 1 exam.

Fundamentals of Insurance - Refresher


Make sure to keep in contact with Cathy when taking this refresher course. Submit assignments before moving onto the next section.


Navigating Epic and Reception Training

Welcome to Huestis!


Welcome to the Huestis Insurance Group and to Huestis University! We are excited to have you join us to learn about the insurance industry. 

Always read through everything in the online course (don't skip anything) and don't forget to refer to the SharePoint page to access the latest supporting documents and links. The checklist found in each section indicates the support person(s) for each learning point. If it's ITAC, you come here. If it's Applied, you go to Applied Community/University, and if it's Office/Team Lead/Buddy, you refer to those contacts at your office.

If you have any questions, you can send inquiries to cathy@itacinc.com.

Huestis New Hire: Policy Changes (Auto)

This is the second course of the new hire training program. You should be a licensed Broker before you take this course. The main focus of this course is handling Auto Policy Changes.

Navigating Epic and Broker Basics


This is your first Account Manager course. This course is done in conjunction with the Applied University online training. 

Huestis New Hire: Rewrites (Auto)

This mini course goes through the Rewrites/Remarketing workflow.

This workflow:

  • is most often followed after a cancellation of a renewal (due to increase in premium or at the Insured's request); or
  • sometimes used after a mid-term change that either generates a cancellation of the risk (because the risk now falls outside the parameters of the Insurer) or where the change in premium is so high - it warrants a mid-term re-market.

Videos have been provided to aid the learning process.

Huestis New Hire: New Business (Auto) Quoting

This mini course shows a video running through the entire new business process.  Once you have completed the course, you can always come back and re-visit the video(s).


  • adding and qualifying a prospect
  • quoting auto insurance


Huestis Workflows - Accounting

This course reviews the new myEpic workflows.

Huestis New Hire: New Business Binding

This course reviews the second myEpic workflow of the New Business process.

Fundamentals of Insurance - Full Course

With this course, you are preparing to challenge the government licensing exam.  There is a lot of information covered in this course - it is an overview of the insurance world.  ITAC wants you to pass your exam the first time and offers this online course as pre-work for classroom, although many have successfully passed just using this online piece.  Your introductory email from ITAC will contain instructions - make sure to follow all instructions.  If you require assistance in getting organized (creating a study plan) or to clarify content or if you are experiencing technical difficulty, you can contact cathy@itacinc.com.

Fundamentals of Insurance - Practice Exam Only

Prerequisite: it is important that before you start these online practice exams that you have either:
  • reviewed the Fundamentals of Insurance - Full Course online with ITAC Inc.
  • attended the General Licensing class at ITAC Inc.
  • read the entire IBAC Fundamentals of Insurance manual.
This online program provides randomly generated tests to help you practice for your upcoming licensing exam. The questions are divided into sections General, Commercial Property, Personal Lines, Liability, Automobile, Accident & Sickness, and Brokers Ethics. The pass mark for each test is 90% and the program will tell you which questions you answered incorrectly.  It is recommended that you review your textbooks and other resources to look up any topics you are struggling with on the online tests. 

Huestis New Hire: Cancellations

This module reviews the cancellation workflow as well as looks at why cancellations occur and the steps involved in trying to save business (retain the policy/client).

Huestis New Hire: Claims

This mini course reviews all of the associated workflows relating to processing Claims.


Huestis New Hire: Phase 2 – Property Training (Starts Here)

Congratulations, now that you have mastered the auto side of the business, you are ready to move on to property! 

Huestis New Hire: Phase 2 – Policy Wordings, Quoting & Application

This module gives an overview of the homeowners forms and common endorsements including the application form. Following the theory portion, it then moves onto common property policy changes you will do as an Account Manager including the quoting aspect.

Huestis New Hire: Phase 2 – New Business (Property)

This course walks you through the New Business Binding workflow for property.

Huestis 2024 Navigating Epic and Reception Training

Welcome to Huestis!


Welcome to the Huestis Insurance Group and to the Huestis University/ITAC eCampus! We are excited to have you join us to learn about the insurance industry. 

Always read through everything in the online course (don't skip anything) and don't forget to refer to the SharePoint page to access the latest supporting documents and links. Everything starts and ends here at the Huestis University/ITAC eCampus. On occasion you will be directed to enter another website (e.g. Applied Community/University) or to consult your Office/Team Lead/Buddy for information or to do job shadow/practice.

Your goal is to complete your online training, followed by live training and practice in order to obtain a satisfactory level of performance or higher.

If you have any questions, you can send inquiries to cathy@itacinc.com.

Huestis Workflows - Commercial Lines Auto

The purpose of this online course is to provide orientation training on the commercial lines workflows of Huestis Insurance Group. Most of us need to watch a demonstration more than once and recorded videos available in this training is there for you to view as many times as you need. As part of your training you will also be provided with live demonstrations by someone in your office and of course, the best way to learn, you'll learn by doing. 


This online course serves as both pre- and post- training for all Huestis employees allowing you to start learning today and it also allows you to revisit this content in the future. 

Huestis Epic: Understanding Reports

Josh Lapointe provides an overview of My Reports in Applied Epic.

BFF Training

Janet Guptill runs through the BFF software including a Q&A session at the end. NOTE: This webinar was recorded February 2019.

Overview of the SPF No. 1 and Common Endorsements

This mini-course provides an overview of the Automobile Standard Policy Form No. 1.


The wording used in this course is the 2016 version from the Government of Nova Scotia.  It is similar to other Canadian Provinces.  


Upon reviewing this course, you are encouraged to look at your own auto policy to compare and contrast coverage.  If you live in another province, even a Maritime province, you will still find variations among the SPF#1s due to differences in our laws and our governments.


Wording Review: The Homeowners Comprehensive Package (Template Wordings)

This mini course does a quick review of a Homeowners Insurance Package policy which includes:

  • The Homeowners Comprehensive IBC 1155 wording - which is Section 1 of a package policy covering personal lines property
  • The Homeowners Liability IBC 1164 wording - which is Section 2 of a package policy covering personal lines liability.
  • NOTE: These wordings are not sold in today's market; however, they serve as a template - a basis upon which today's Insurers have built on to create their package policies.


The IBC 1155 and IBC 1164 are a good introduction to familiarize yourself with Homeowners wordings.


Wording Review – Homeowners Property

This course looks at an Insurer's wording.  This is a continuation from the Review of the IBC 1155 (Homeowners Property Section 1) wording.  The purpose is to provide you with a guided look at one insurer's wordings.

NOTE: as a Broker, you should always pull the most recent wording from your insurer's portal.  This course is to help you become comfortable with reading wordings and does not focus on every detail of the wordings because they are insurer specific and also subject to change over time.

Wording Review - Homeowners Liability

This mini course does a quick review of the template Homeowners Liability wording (IBC 1164) which other Insurers have followed with a few amendments and additions.   

We recommend, after completing this mini course, you review at least one of your insurer's wordings to compare - with the liability section, you will find it is much more similar than the property wordings.


Overview of Common Homeowners Endorsements

This course is a continuation from the Homeowners wordings course.  The focus is on the common homeowners endorsements we sell today.

Like with the other wording review courses, the discussion is general because every insurer offers their own version with their own twist in terms of limits and deductibles offered, coverage, extensions and exclusions to these endorsements.

Even though it is a general discussion, it does go through the endorsements in detail.  You may want to review the video a couple of times over.  As always, we recommend that you pull similar wordings from one or two of your insurers to start and compare and contrast between them.

Evaluators / Replacement Cost Calculators

This course goes beyond the software training (Applied ITV, ezITV, RCT, etc.) and discusses the common questions Brokers need to ask clients to plug into the software.


CSR Circle of Success

This course focuses on fostering and enhancing the Customer Service skills of a Broker or Account Manager.


Professional Development: Peter Morris talks... series

These webinars have proven to improve the success of Account Managers in growing their book of business and Peter Morris has agreed for us to record these so you can review this material as often as you require.  

Huestis Group Orientation / Refresher

Welcome to the Huestis Insurance Group and to Huestis University!

The purpose of this online course is to provide orientation training to experienced or existing staff who need to get up to speed on the systems and workflows of Huestis Insurance Group.

This online course serves as both pre- and post- training for all Huestis employees. It allows you to start learning today and also allows you to revisit this content in the future. Most of us need to watch a demonstration more than once and recorded videos available in this training is there for you to view as many times as you need. As part of your training you will also be provided with live demonstrations by someone in your office and of course, the best way to learn, you'll learn by doing. 

CAIB Level I

Level I explores all aspects of Personal Lines Insurance Coverages. Topics covered include government regulation, homeowners wordings and extensions, farm coverage, automobile insurance & endorsements and broker ethics.

Webinar: Electronic Signatures - Using eSignLive

This mini-course is an introduction to using the eSignLive portal as part of your everyday processes.  This course is a supplement to the manual that is on the SharePoint site.


Level II explores many aspects of commercial property coverages. Topics covered include: risk assessment, named perils & broad form wordings & extensions, transportation & contractors’ coverages, crime & business interruption.

Webinar: Overland Water

This webinar goes into more detail on Overland Water coverage available in our industry today (originally recorded in November and December 2018).

The purpose is to help Brokers develop a comfort level with the terminology and the offerings that are available for our Insureds.

Webinar: BlueButler Software Introduction

This mini course is an introduction of the BlueButler software and the documents available to you to help you get used to using the system.


Level III advances further into Commercial Lines coverages. Topics covered include: the law & liability exposures, the commercial general liability (CGL) wording and other liability wordings, marine cargo & aviation insurance, surety bonds and risk management.


Level IV explores the many aspects of the management process within the insurance brokerage. Topics covered include the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing & controlling. Also included are marketing & automation.

Huestis Workflows - Commercial Property

This course is the second in the Commercial Lines series. This training is followed up with live training. 

Written Review of Key Learning Points

Competency criteria has been developed for each of the key activities and major duties of an Account Manager and are consistent with their knowledge, training, experience, and skillset.

After each Account Manager course, you must complete the corresponding written review section with your Team Lead before to a level deemed satisfactory or higher before you move onto the next course.


Supervision requirements are mandatory for all Level 1 and Level 2 (CL Only) Account Managers, whether on site or remote.

Advanced Property Training

This course is for Account Managers looking to improve upon their skills. This course specifically focuses on the property side of Personal Lines.

Wording Review: Homeowners Insurance (Sample Insurer wording)

This mini course is a review of the Homeowners [Broad] wording (property and liability) and common homeowners endorsements.